Blizzard Warnings/Winter Storm. The NWS has issued blizzard warnings for much of the central plains and northeastern Colorado beginning late Monday, 3/3/2025, lasting into Tuesday, 3/4/2025. High winds and bands of heavy snow are expected late in the day on the Palmer Divide/Monument Hill area, spreading east towards Kansas. Depending on the storm track, this may also stretch north along the I-76 corridor to Nebraska and I-70 east to Kansas. Central and northern mountains, including I-70 between Denver and Vail, should also expect up to a foot of snow and driving winds especially late in the day on Monday overnight into Tuesday. Highest chances for travel impacts include I-25 between Denver and Colorado Springs and I-70 east to Kansas. Blizzard conditions may require safety closures of impacted roadways. As a reminder, OS loads are NOT allowed to travel where the chain law is in effect. Visit for updates.

Clean Truck Strategy


Clean Truck Strategy

How did we get here and what is next?

Electric Charging Station

The Colorado Clean Truck Strategy’s objective is to transition Colorado’s medium- and heavy-duty trucks to low- and zero-emissions alternatives. This plan focuses Colorado efforts in the near future on: 

  • Investing in charging infrastructure
  • Creating incentives for truck fleets to start switching to zero emissions vehicles
  • Helping school districts and transit agencies switch to electric buses

The strategy will help fight climate change, improve air quality, and especially help communities disproportionately impacted by transportation pollution emissions.

Using input from multiple public meetings, stakeholder groups, and the Colorado Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Study, the agencies developed a draft strategy to accelerate clean truck adoption in the state that recognized the increasing importance of freight to the economy. From August of 2020 through April of 2022, the state received over 120 comments. The finalized strategy addresses a number of these comments through edits or adoption of suggestions.  A summary of public input and agency response can be found in the Public Comment Response Memo. All comments submitted via email can be found in the shared folder here.

Agencies will continue collaborating with stakeholders and implementing near-term actions in the Clean Truck Strategy. Some of the upcoming next steps and ways stakeholders can stay involved include:

State agencies anticipate updating the strategy every two years to respond to the evolving market and lessons learned from implementation of the near-term actions.



Colorado's Clean Truck Strategy


Let's Work Together

How does this impact you? How can we help you move Colorado towards Clean Trucks? Contact our team to learn more about collaboration opportunities.

Collaborative Effort

A collaboration between multiple States is working to encourage the use of electric trucks and buses. Colorado is represented by the State departments above.