As of Sept. 1 Expanded CMV Must Carry Law is in effect. For more information on this expansion please click This Link.


Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations of Truck Transport Permits


semi towing plane at night

Rules & Regulations for Transport Permits (Rule Book)

Colorado Revised Statutes


Traveling During Hours of Darkness

Hours of Darkness: Sunset to sunrise

Hours of Daylight: Sunrise to sunset

From Rules and Regulation Section 408.3 

  • If the extra-legal vehicle (greater than 8 feet 6 inches in width) or load doesn't exceed 12 feet in width, it may travel at night with a flashing yellow light mounted to the front of the vehicle, and at least two but not more than three flashing yellow light on the extreme rear. 
  • If the extra-legal vehicle or load exceeds 12 feet, but does not exceed 14 feet in width, it may travel at night with one pilot vehicle in the front on all two-lane highways, and one pilot escort vehicle in the rear on all four-lane highways. 
  • An extra-legal vehicle or Load more than 14 feet in width is prohibited from travel during hours of darkness, unless authorized under a Chapter 6 special permit.
  • An extra-legal vehicle or Load that exceeds the legal limits for length or has an overhang:
    • A flashing yellow Light shall be mounted to the front of the vehicle.
  • The permittee shall attach at least one but not more than three yellow or red cluster lights to any overhang, as follows:
    • If the overhang is in the rear, red cluster lights shall be used.
    • If the overhang is in the front, yellow cluster Lights shall be used.
Holiday Restrictions & Schedule

Holiday Schedule

The Permit Office will be closed in observance of the following holiday days, unless noted:

  • New Years Day
  • Martin Luther King Day (third Monday in January)
  • Presidents Day (third Monday in February)
  • Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day (first Monday in September)
  • Frances Xavier Cabrini Day (first Monday in October)
  • Veterans Day  
  • Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November)
  • Christmas Day

Submit applications in a timely manner to ensure issuance of the permit prior to the movement of the vehicle or load.

Holiday Restrictions

Rules and Regulations for Transport Permits Section 404 Holidays:

  • 404.1: An LVC is prohibited from travel at any time on Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day. If Independence Day falls on a Saturday an LVC is also prohibited from travel on the previous Friday, and if such holiday falls on a Sunday an LVC is also prohibited from travel on the following Monday.
  • 404.2: An LVC may travel on New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. However, if such holiday falls on a Saturday an LVC is prohibited from travel on the previous Friday, and if such holiday falls on a Sunday an LVC is prohibited from travel on the following Monday.
  • 404.3: An Extra-legal Vehicle or Load, other than an LVC, is prohibited from travel between the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day. When Independence Day falls on a Saturday an Extra-legal Vehicle or Load is also prohibited from travel on the previous Friday between 12:00 p.m. (noon) and 9:00 p.m., and when Independence Day falls on a Sunday an Extra-legal Vehicle or Load is also prohibited from travel on the following Monday between 12:00 p.m. (noon) and 9:00 p.m. An Extra-legal Vehicle or Load is prohibited from travel between the hours of 12:00 p.m. (noon) and 9:00 p.m. on the Friday preceding Memorial Day and Labor Day.
  • 404.4: In the Cripple Creek area an Extra-Legal Vehicle or Load is also prohibited from travel on Friday, Saturday and Sunday for Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Christmas Day and New Year's Day during the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on the following Highways:
  • 404.4.1: CO 24 between CO 67 at Divide (RP 278) and Woodland Park (RP 303)
  • 404.4.2: Co 67 between CO 24 at Divide (RP 70) and Cripple Creek (RP 51.7)
Insurance Requirements to Move a Manufactured Home

If you are hauling a manufactured home, you will need to upload insurance showing public liability insurance in amounts of not less than $100,000 per person and $300,000 per crash. The breakout of coverage must be shown on the certificate. 

If the insurance accord does not include commercial general liability coverage, but does include automobile liability which meet the required minimums, a copy of your MCS-90 can be uploaded with the insurance accord. 

  • Insurance required amounts from Colorado Revised Statutes 42-4-510
  • Permits for excess size and weight and for manufactured homes

What are the legal dimensions and maximum weight limits on Colorado roads?

Colorado’s legal height limit is 14 feet 6 inches

All state highway structures with less than a 14 feet 6 inch vertical clearance may be found on the Vertical Clearances map.

Maximum legal width is 8 feet 6 inches
  • There is no overall length requirement for truck tractor-semitrailer combinations as long as the trailer does not exceed 57 feet 4 inches
  • Legal maximum limit for a self-propelled unit is 45 feet in length
  • A combination of vehicles coupled together cannot exceed four units and is limited to 70 feet in length
  • Legal front overhang is 4 feet or less
  • Legal rear overhang is 10 feet or less
Legal weight is 80,000 pounds combined gross vehicle weight (GVW) on interstates, and 85,000 pounds combined GVW on non-Interstate highways
  • Single axle weight limit is 20,000 pounds for both interstate and secondary state highways
  • Tandem group weight limit on the interstate is 36,000 pounds, and secondary state highway is 40,000 pounds

Extra-Legal permits must be obtained prior to entry into Colorado or prior to movement of the vehicle/load. Submit your permitting request on COOPR here.

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i70 bridge haul

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